Updated Travel Policy: Benefits for Dependent Travel Reimbursement

Questions? Contact Office of The Chancellor

Updated Travel Policy: Benefits for Dependent Travel Reimbursement

UC Travel Policy G28 was revised to allow for reimbursement of dependent travel expenses directly associated with official University business travel in limited circumstances and with proper approvals. The policy allows for reimbursement of costs related to breastmilk shipping, among other dependent care items.

Dear UCSF Community,

An update has been made to the UCSF travel reimbursement policy, and we write to increase awareness of the benefits for our community. Effective January 1, 2024, UC Travel Policy G28 was revised to allow UCSF employees to be eligible for reimbursement of dependent travel expenses directly associated with official University business travel in limited circumstances and with the proper approvals. Specifically, this new policy allows for reimbursement of costs related to breastmilk shipping during official University business travel, among other dependent care items.

Some situations and examples are:

  1. Two UC employees with joint dependent care responsibilities are on University business (e.g., conferences, meetings, training, etc.);
  2. An employee on University business travel has a dependent who requires 24-hour care;
  3. Prospective faculty on the final interview need to bring their dependent(s) to the interview;
  4. Additional dependent care support at home or at the travel site outside of working hours while the employee is traveling; the expenses must be above and beyond normal childcare expenses;
  5. Travel expenses for a dependent or dependent care provider to accompany the employee on travel; and,
  6. Cost of shipping expressed breastmilk for the employee’s child at home while the employee is traveling.

The process for reimbursement is to add this expense line item to the travel reimbursement submission for the traveler. Please note this expense requires both pre-approval and final signature approval from the person authorized to approve exceptional expenditures in your area. More details can be found at: Travel-Related Dependent Care.

If you have any questions regarding reimbursement of this travel expense, please submit a ticket to AP Support at UCSF Faculty, Staff & Students. If you have any questions regarding the Milk Stork service, please reach out to the Family Services’ Lactation Accommodation Program at [email protected].

As we strive to be a model employer, we are proud that UCSF is offering this expanded benefit to our team members. Please help us advise staff who might benefit from the revised travel policy.

Thank you,

Jon P. Giacomi
Associate Vice Chancellor
Campus Life Services

Elizabeth Rogers, MD
Chair, Committee on Faculty Welfare
UCSF Academic Senate

Erin J. McCauley, PhD, MEd
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Nerissa Ko, MD, MAS, and Laurae Pearson
UCSF Committee on the Status of Women

Nathalie Larsen
Director, Family Services
Campus Life Services

Caroline Carter, IBCLC
Specialist, Family Services
Campus Life Services

Questions about this article? Contact Office of The Chancellor