Nominate a colleague - Chancellor Awards for Diversity - due Fri. May 10

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Nominate a colleague - Chancellor Awards for Diversity - due Fri. May 10

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2024 Chancellor Awards for Diversity.

Dear UCSF Community,

I am pleased to announce that nominations are currently being accepted for the 2024 Chancellor Awards for Diversity. Each year these awards are bestowed to outstanding UCSF faculty, staff, and student/resident/postdoctoral scholars who demonstrate a strong commitment to the elimination of barriers to full inclusion for all people.

Chancellor Awards for Diversity are given in the following four areas:

Please nominate deserving UCSF faculty, staff, student/resident/postdoctoral scholars for the awards! To learn about award criteria, the nomination process, and access nomination resources, click here.  

Nominations are due by Friday, May 10, 2024.

We strongly encourage nominations that represent the intersections of people’s worked and lived experiences and their contributions to diversity.


J. Renee Chapman Navarro, PharmD, MD
Vice Chancellor, Diversity and Outreach
Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care
University of California, San Francisco

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