Maui Wildfires

Questions? Contact Office of the Chancellor

Maui Wildfires

Encouragement to contribute to local and national relief organizations assisting victims of Maui wildfires.

Dear UCSF Community,

The wildfires that swept across key areas of Maui last week caught the island community by surprise, marking the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century. As recovery efforts continue, the number of lives lost may yet grow larger.

Our thoughts are with those impacted by this devastating event, including those in the UCSF community who have loved ones on Maui. If you are in a position to help, please consider supporting local and national relief organizations assisting victims on Maui such as these:

  • The Maui Food Bank is accepting monetary donations, encouraging virtual food drives and collecting items at in-person drop-off sites such as rice, peanut butter, toilet paper and paper towels, among others.
  • The Maui United Way is asking for money, which the organization says will provide direct relief to families and nonprofits directly affected by the fires.
  • The Hawaii Community Foundation is asking for monetary donations for resources that can be deployed quickly, with focus on rapid response and recovery.
  • The American Red Cross is collecting financial donations, which will go to providing shelter and support for those impacted by the fires.

Please also reach out to the UCSF Asian Pacific American Systemwide Alliance (APASA) for additional guidance and support.

In the Bay Area, we are all too familiar with the sense of loss and shock that accompany the devastation of wildfires, a growing threat exacerbated by climate change. In the days ahead, I encourage us to continue to look for ways to support the relief efforts under way and ease the suffering of the Hawaiian community.


Sam Hawgood, MBBS


Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Distinguished Professor

Questions about this article? Contact Office of the Chancellor