2023 UCSF Founders Day Awards Celebration

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2023 UCSF Founders Day Awards Celebration

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 UCSF Founders Day Awards - the Chancellor Awards for Public Service, Exceptional Management, and Exceptional Service.

Dear UCSF Community,

I had the privilege of hosting the 2023 UCSF Founders Day Awards celebration on May 31, honoring ten individuals who have dedicated themselves to the University’s public mission, innovative research, and patient-centered care. The remarkable work they do is inspirational, and I thank them for their contributions to the excellence of UCSF.

The following individuals were nominated and selected by their colleagues to receive this year’s awards. I invite you to watch the videos that tell their stories and honor their achievements.

Chancellor Award for Public Service

  • Faculty: Malcolm John, MD, MPH
  • Edison T. Uno Public Service Award: 
    • Phuoc V. Le, MD, MPH, DTM+H
    • Sriram Shamasunder, MD, DTM+H

Chancellor Award for Exceptional Management

  • Mary Beth Blasnek, MS
  • Margaret Domiano, MBA
  • Rick Larsen

Chancellor Award for Exceptional Service

  • Paula Fleisher, MA
  • Nicole Takesono Flowers
  • Shauna Strong

Distinguished Nurse Award: John Sedgwick, MN, RN, OCN, CCRN

Please join me in congratulating these outstanding members of our UCSF community.


Sam Hawgood, MBBS


Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Distinguished Professor

Questions about this article? Contact Office of the Chancellor