Invited Speakers and the Exchange of Ideas at UCSF

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Invited Speakers and the Exchange of Ideas at UCSF

As a public university under the First Amendment, UCSF must maintain a content-neutral position in the support we provide to all campus groups. Views expressed by the RCOs, diversity committees, and their speakers are their own and do not reflect those of the University.

Dear UCSF Community,

Throughout the past months people have raised concerns about invited speakers at UCSF, especially when those speakers have expressed controversial views. I’m writing today to share the University’s position on this matter, recognizing that our community is grappling with the complexities of the war in Gaza.

UCSF is home to numerous Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) and diversity committees that pursue activities and events with the support of the University through the Office of Diversity and Outreach. It’s important to note, however, that the views expressed by the RCOs, diversity committees, and their speakers are their own and do not reflect those of the University. As required by our obligations as a public university under the First Amendment, UCSF must maintain a content-neutral position in the support we provide to all campus groups.

In recent days I have heard from UCSF community members who are concerned about invited speaker Elan Carr and his scheduled May 21, 2024, talk “Antisemitism and Resilience in Academia.” UCSF did not invite this speaker but is supporting the Shalom RCO and the Jewish Coalition Diversity Committee just as the University has supported other RCOs and diversity committees that have organized controversial events on campus over the past year.

I understand the viewpoints expressed by these invited speakers may be upsetting for some people. It is my sincere hope that we can center respectful dialogue and the freedom to pursue our respective interests as fundamental activities of our academic community.


Sam Hawgood, MBBS
Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Distinguished Professor

Questions about this article? Contact Office of The Chancellor