Budget & Investment Committee

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This senior leadership team advises the Chancellor on budgetary and investment issues of critical importance to the performance, successful growth, and reputation of UCSF.

The Budget & Investment Committee collaborates as a leadership team to:

  • Understand and review the UCSF budget at the level of the enterprise
  • Assess priorities and tradeoffs for funding allocations and strategic investments, including large-scale capital, information technology, and programmatic investments
  • Ensure transparency of the budget process
  • Report findings and recommendations to the Chancellor’s Cabinet on a regular basis
  • Advise the Chancellor on budget and investment strategies

Topics outside the scope of this committee include internal budgets for schools, departments and the Medical Center; space allocations; and hiring and appointments.


The Budget & Investment Committee is a subcommittee of the Chancellor’s Cabinet and includes:

  • Catherine R. Lucey, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (co-chair)
  • Erin S. Gore, Senior Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration (co-chair)
  • Nicquet Blake, Dean, Graduate Division and Vice Provost, Student Academic Affairs
  • Michael Clune, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
  • Carol Dawson-Rose, Dean, School of Nursing
  • Kathy Giacomini, Dean, School of Pharmacy
  • Suresh Gunasekaran, President and Chief Executive Officer, UCSF Health
  • Steven Hetts, Chair, Academic Senate
  • Talmadge King, Jr., Dean, School of Medicine
  • Michael Reddy, Dean, School of Dentistry
  • James Wentz, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, UCSF Health

Decisions shall be determined by committee members only, with no substitutions.

Working groups may be formed at the discretion of the co-chairs to address a specific issue and report back to the committee with information and/or recommendations. Members of the working group do not necessarily need to be committee members.